Frequently Asked Question

Cranbridge Curriculum
  1. What Curriculum does Cranbridge offer?

    We offer the British Curriculum through the Pearson Edexcel syllabus offering IGCSEs and IALs.

  2. What syllabus does Cranbridge use for primary school?

    Cranbridge follows the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).

  3. Is this a new school? / How long has this school been around?

    We have been around since 2015. We have been an International School since 2020. We were a home school. We expanded from 2 floors of shop lot to the entire shop lot and a nearby bungalow. We have consistently produced award-winning students from the beginning due to our small student ratio and small class sizes. As an international school, we still apply this method as it has proven to be very effective for academic development and the child’s mental and emotional health.

  4. What is the difference between Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge? Which is better?

    CIE better known as Cambridge International Examinations is a sister company to OCR, which offers GCSEs and A-levels, etc. Edexcel is a subsidiary of the publisher Pearson, and it offers IGCSEs and IAL alongside the full range of UK qualifications. They are both respected bodies in the UK and their qualifications have equal value. Cambridge used to be under the Cambridge University but not anymore, however, due to the brand name, it appears to be more well-known in Malaysia. In the UK, Pearson Edexcel is used more (70% of schools in the UK).

  5. Do you offer trial classes?

    Yes! We offer free trial classes with complimentary lunch! Your child can experience 1 full day at Cranbridge. Please make an appointment. Trial classes are offered as long as it is 2 weeks away from exam week. Our students will be preparing for exams after that, so you may not get the full feel of how classes are conducted. They will be revising.

  6. Is there a placement / assessment test?

    Yes, they will be tested on English and Maths. This test is to help the teachers understand where the child needs more guidance in. The placement test can be arranged after you have completed the Application process. For this PISF, we are offering free assessment tests.

  7. What facilities does the school provide?

    Indoor Games courts (Street Soccer, Badminton, Basketball, Table Tennis), Multi-purpose hall, Robotics lab, Art Room, Music Room, Dance Studio, and Covered Parking, Filtered water.

  8. Are the teachers local or international?

    Most of our teachers are local. They are very passionate about what they do. We have older teachers who come with over 20 years teaching experience and younger teachers who are qualified and passionate. Teachers are required to do a demo class before they are hired and go through a rigorous selection process. Most of the teachers here have been with us from 2015 with some additional teachers joining along the way.

  9. What is the local : international student ratio?

    The ratio is about 40 : 60.

  10. From which countries are most of your students from?

    We have students from Japan, India, US, UK, Yemen, Australia, Russia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Uganda, Sudan, Myanmar… over 20 different countries and counting.

  11. How about bullying?

    Bullying happens when children are trying to make up for a lack of attention, power, or love in their own lives. At Cranbridge, since we have a small student-to-teacher ratio, everyone gets attention. The small student-to-teacher ratio also makes it easier for teachers to spot if something is amiss and is addressed immediately. We also organize a lot of activities that get students from different grades to mingle and work together. In the morning, you can see older students assist younger ones to carry their bag to class. We actually have students who came from a background of being bullied in other schools but feel safe here. This enabled them to focus more on their studies.

  12. My child is from Chinese school. Will he be able to cope in Cranbridge?

    Yes. Since our class size is small, the teacher will be able to give him personalized attention. However, in an international setting, students tend to pick up the language faster. If they really need more coaching in English, they can join the IEP (Intensive English Programme). During IEP, they will take some core subjects like Maths and Science and learn English the rest of the time. As their English gets better, they will do more subjects.

  13. My child is currently going to a public school? Can they join Cranbridge?

    We have many students who were from the public system and transitioned into the International School curriculum well. Once you register with us, we will provide an offer letter that you can submit to your child’s government school principal.

  14. What are the school hours?

    The school starts at 10 am and ends by 3.00 pm. There are extracurricular activities from 3 pm to 4 pm.

  15. Why are the school hours so short?

    To optimize their learning hours. When hours are too long, students start to space out and wait for the day to end. With shorter hours, students are more well-rested and have more time for other activities and spending time with family and friends. When they come to school, they are more focused and happy and are able to perform better academically.

  16. If my child comes from a school that follows a different syllabus, e.g., Australian syllabus/IB/Cambridge/KBSM/KBSR, will they be able to cope?

    Yes, we have students who join from different countries and who have been studying a different syllabus. Transition from KBSM/KBSR or Cambridge to Edexcel is pretty straightforward. Your child will have to do a placement test to determine the suitable level of entry. For other syllabuses, we suggest you make an appointment with us to meet the Principal to further discuss the plan. Please bring along school leaving certificates, results, and any relevant documents so that we can assist your child should they need attention in any specific areas to catch up on.

  17. Can my child join/enroll mid-academic year? 2nd Term? 3rd Term? Middle of Term?

    Yes, they may. Your child will have to do a placement test. Please bring along school leaving certificates, results, and any relevant documents so that we can assist your child should they need attention in any specific areas to catch up on.

  18. Can you process visas?

    Yes, we have our visa agent who will assist you every step of the way. You may contact Mr. Siva at +60 16-557 9364.

  19. Do you accept special needs children?

    We do not have specialized teachers to cater to this, but we are able to cater for children with mild Special Education Needs (SEN). During the application, it is important that parents inform the School of the child’s special needs. It would be best if you meet the principal together with your child.

  20. Do you do e-learning?

    During the lockdown, we conducted all classes online through video calls, and assignments were posted on Google Classroom. In fact, our small student-to-teacher ratio makes online learning more effective. However, our classes are physical. If your child is unwell or cannot attend physically in the short term, they may attend the physical classes virtually.

  21. Are students allowed to have cell phones?

    Students need to deposit their phones before they go into class and collect them when school is over.

  22. Do you incorporate technology in to teaching?

    Yes, we do where relevant.

  23. What is the school fees like?

    We are very competitively priced. However, we don't cram many students in one class. We have an maximum of 16 students in a class. When we have more students, we have enough classes ready to accommodate that.

  24. Why is the fees so high?

    Considering the class size, teachers' qualifications and experience, including personalized attention, the fees are considered very reasonable.

  25. Can I get a discount if more than one child enrolls in Cranbridge?

    We offer sibling discounts. For the second child, the discount is 5%, the third child is 7%, and the fourth is 10%. If you sign up during this offer, there is a Family Registration Discount.

  26. Can the fees be paid on a monthly basis?

    The school collects fees on a termly basis. Credit Card facilities are available.

  27. What extracurricular activities do you offer?

    We offer in-house ECA as well as external ECA through our partners. Taekwondo, Basketball, Badminton, K-pop, Community outreach, Financial Literacy, Public Speaking, French, Tamil, and Robotics and Coding are offered at school once a week, from 3 pm to 4 pm. External ECAs include Swimming by Dory Swim Academy, Music Classes by Peekaboo Music, and Sim Racing by Axel Sport.

  28. Do you offer Mandarin Classes?

    Yes, we do! It is part of the curriculum up to Lower Secondary Level.

  29. Do you teach/offfer any other language classes like French, Spanish, etc?

    We have French and Tamil. German, Spanish, Hindi will be introduced with enough numbers.

  30. Do you offer Islamic Studies?

    Yes. It is held before the usual school time.

  31. Are the meals Halal?

    Yes, they are. We do not serve pork or beef.

  32. Do you have a vegetarian meal option?

    Yes, we do.

  33. Are school meals compulsory?

    It is recommended. Most of our students have meals provided by the school. Our catering partner is Salad Atelier, known for providing wholesome food with no preservatives. The menu is a mix of western and Asian cuisines and not spicy.

  34. Do you provide Transport?

    We can help arrange transport but we will not negotiate prices on behalf.

    Distance From the School Zone
    Within 15 KM A - RM450
    15.1KM - 20KM B - RM600
    20.1KM - 25KM C - RM750
    > 25KM D - RM850
  35. What are the teachers' qualifications?

    The teachers have teaching qualifications suited for the subject and level they are assigned to and have the relevant experience needed to deliver the subjects they teach effectively. Some of the teachers have Ph.D. and Masters qualifications, some have early learning and Montessori certifications, and so on.

  36. Is the teacher turnover rate high?

    The teacher turnover rate is very low. They are dedicated and passionate educators who enjoy teaching in our positive and conducive learning environment. With this low turnover rate, students are able to build lasting relationships with their teachers. Furthermore, our healthy school hours and small student-to-teacher ratio provide a good work environment for the teachers as well.

  37. Are you looking for teachers?

    We are constantly on the lookout for teachers who resonate with our vision, mission, and beliefs. Please send your CV to

  38. Do you have boarding facilities?

    No, we do not have boarding facilities.

  39. Do you have teaching assistants in each class?

    We do have a teaching assistant in the Pre-School class and Year 1. We do not need them in other levels as our student-to-teacher ratio is small, and the teachers are able to handle the classes by themselves.

  40. How do teachers handle the different abilities of students in their class?

    At Cranbridge, we practice Subject Teaching, where one teacher will teach a specific subject to the students till a certain level. For example, Maths from Year 1 to Year 3, as opposed to a Class Teacher teaching all the subjects. This way, the teacher understands the child's strengths, challenges, and interests, and is able to personalize the aims and objectives for each child.

  41. What are the fees for Pre-school, Primary School, Secondary School, Pre-University?

    Please refer to the Fee Structure for detailed information.

  42. How does the school extend learning beyond the classroom?

    Every term, the school organizes character-building activities ensuring that apart from the school curriculum, knowledge is gained from a variety of experiences. Our students have visited and conducted activities at a Special Needs School, Orphanage, Refugee Children's School, and Old Folks Home. They have also challenged their mental strength at Outdoor Camps and braved Indoor Obstacle courses. They gained knowledge at the Science Centre, attended First Respondent Medical Course, and visited the National Bank. These are just some of the notable activities that the school organizes to ensure that students get to understand the wider world.

  43. How are STEM/STEAM integrated within the curriculum?

    We put emphasis on STEM in the Upper Secondary Level, while Art is also given importance in the Reception, Primary, and Lower Secondary Level. The elements of STEM are also incorporated into their learning through fun, hands-on projects. They are involved in research and design assignments that foster problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

  44. How do you communicate student progress to parents?

    For daily communication on homework, we use a homework log. Every term, parents and students will meet with the teachers during parent-teacher conferences. Parents are also contacted via WhatsApp, phone calls, sent circulars, and have face-to-face meetings from time to time if necessary.

  45. Do you have after-school care/daycare?

    Yes, we do. Please whatsapp us for more information.

  46. Do you have a swimming pool/swimming lessons?

    We offer swimming lessons as an external ECA. Classes are conducted at Dory Swim Academy located in Taman Midah, less than 15 minutes away from the school. Your child can learn to swim in a secure comfortable environment in heated pools with coaches who hold certifications from the Malaysia Swimming Teacher Association (MSTA) and Life Saving Society Malaysia (LSSM). There is even a cozy air-conditioned parent lounge for you to wait while your child is having their swimming lessons.

  47. Do you have music classes?

    We offer music classes as an external ECA. Classes are conducted by Peekaboo Music at their center in Taman Desa, just 10 minutes away from the school. Cranbridge students are offered an exclusive registration waiver.

  48. Is the school prepared for another lockdown?

    Yes, we are aware that with the pandemic, we have to be flexible with our teaching delivery. We will conduct live classes online as well as use Google Classrooms.

  49. How were classes conducted during the RMCO?

    We strictly follow MOH guidelines. All parents are requested to ensure that their child wears a clean face mask every day. If a child has a fever, cough, or cold, please do not send them to school. The school follows all SOPs strictly, including temperature checks, self-tests, hand sanitization, and constant disinfection of surfaces.

  50. How were classes conducted during the RMCO?

    We strictly follow MOH guidelines as follows:

    • All parents are requested to adhere to the following guidelines:
      1. Ensure that your child wears a clean face mask every day.
      2. If your child is having a fever, cough, or cold, please do not send them to school.
    • The school follows all SOPs strictly as below:
      1. The checking students, teachers, and all staff temperature upon arrival and when leaving. We send back anyone with a fever in the morning, if someone has a fever during dismissal we alert parents of their classmates to check on their children.
      2. Students and staff are required to do a self-test twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday.
      3. Sanitization of hands upon arrival and in between.
      4. Encourage/remind students to practice good hygiene.
      5. Constantly disinfect surfaces.
  51. Do students still need to wear masks?

    We follow the latest MOE/MOH guidelines.


What Curriculum does Cranbridge offer?

We offer the British Curriculum through the Pearson Edexcel syllabus offering IGCSEs and IALs.


What syllabus does Cranbridge use for primary school?

Cranbridge follows the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).


Is this a new school? / How long has this school been around?

We have been around since 2015. We have been an International School since 2020. We were a home school. We expanded from 2 floors of shop lot to the entire shop lot and a nearby bungalow. We have consistently produced award-winning students from the beginning due to our small student ratio and small class sizes. As an international school, we still apply this method as it has proven to be very effective for academic development and the child’s mental and emotional health.


What is the difference between Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge? Which is better?

CIE, better known as Cambridge International Examinations, is a sister company to OCR, which offers GCSEs and A-levels, etc. Edexcel is a subsidiary of the publisher Pearson, and it offers IGCSEs and IAL alongside the full range of UK qualifications. They are both respected bodies in the UK, and their qualifications have equal value. Cambridge used to be under the Cambridge University, but not anymore. However, due to the brand name, it appears to be more well-known in Malaysia. In the UK, Pearson Edexcel is used more (70% of schools in the UK).


What is the difference between Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge? Which is better?

CIE, better known as Cambridge International Examinations, is a sister company to OCR, which offers GCSEs and A-levels, etc. Edexcel is a subsidiary of the publisher Pearson, and it offers IGCSEs and IAL alongside the full range of UK qualifications. They are both respected bodies in the UK, and their qualifications have equal value. Cambridge used to be under the Cambridge University, but not anymore. However, due to the brand name, it appears to be more well-known in Malaysia. In the UK, Pearson Edexcel is used more (70% of schools in the UK).


Is there a placement / assessment test?

Yes, they will be tested on English and Maths. This test is to help the teachers understand where the child needs more guidance in. The placement test can be arranged after you have completed the Application process. For this PISF, we are offering free assessment tests.


What facilities does the school provide?

Indoor Games courts (Street Soccer, Badminton, Basketball, Table Tennis), Multi-purpose hall, Robotics lab, Art Room, Music Room, Dance Studio, and Covered Parking, Filtered water.


Are the teachers local or international?

Most of our teachers are local. They are very passionate about what they do. We have older teachers who come with over 20 years teaching experience and younger teachers who are qualified and passionate. Teachers are required to do a demo class before they are hired and go through a rigorous selection process. Most of the teachers here have been with us from 2015 with some additional teachers joining along the way.


Do you have any British Teachers / Mat Salleh teachers / White teachers?

At the moment we do not. However, our teachers are really dynamic. Most of our teachers have more than 15 years of teaching the international school syllabus and have a track record of producing good results. We also have younger teachers who are passionate and tech-savvy. Good English is one of the main criteria for choosing teachers here.


What is the local to international student ratio?

The ratio is about 60-40.


What is the local student ratio?

40% Indian, 25% Malay, 20% Chinese, 15% Others. Sometimes it is difficult to say what race they are since there are many students of mixed parentage. In Cranbridge, you don’t find students clicking up according to race, you can say that they are colorblind towards that. They all speak English and mingle with each other, which is the most important reason parents send to the international school.


From which countries are most of your students from?

We have students from Japan, India, US, UK, Yemen, Australia, Russia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Uganda, Sudan, Myanmar… over 20 different countries and counting.


How about bullying?

Bullying happens when children are trying to make up for a lack of attention, power, or love in their own lives. At Cranbridge, since we have a small student-to-teacher ratio, everyone gets attention. The small student-to-teacher ratio also makes it easier for teachers to spot if something is amiss and is addressed immediately. We also organize a lot of activities that get students from different grades to mingle and work together. In the morning, you can see older students assist younger ones to carry their bag to class. We actually have students who came from a background of being bullied in other schools but feel safe here. This enabled them to focus more on their studies.


My child is from a Chinese school. Will he be able to cope in Cranbridge?

Yes. Since our class size is small, the teacher will be able to give him personalized attention. However, in an international setting, students tend to pick up the language faster. If they really need more coaching in English, they can join the IEP (Intensive English Programme). During IEP, they will take some core subjects like Maths and Science and learn English the rest of the time. As their English gets better, they will do more subjects.


My child is currently going to a public school? Can they join Cranbridge?

We have many students who were from the public system and transitioned into the International School curriculum well. Once you register with us, we will provide an offer letter that you can submit to your child’s government school principal.


What are the school hours?

The school starts at 10 am and ends by 3.00 pm. There are extracurricular activities from 3 pm to 4 pm.


Why are the school hours so short?

To optimize their learning hours. When hours are too long, students start to space out and wait for the day to end. With shorter hours, students are more well-rested and have more time for other activities and spending time with family and friends. When they come to school, they are more focused and happy and are able to perform better academically.


If my child comes from a school that follows a different syllabus, e.g., Australian syllabus/IB/Cambridge/KBSM/KBSR, will they be able to cope?

Yes, we have students who join from different countries and who have been studying a different syllabus. Transition from KBSM/KBSR or Cambridge to Edexcel is pretty straightforward. Your child will have to do a placement test to determine the suitable level of entry. For other syllabuses, we suggest you make an appointment with us to meet the Principal to further discuss the plan. Please bring along school leaving certificates, results, and any relevant documents so that we can assist your child should they need attention in any specific areas to catch up on.


Can my child join/enroll mid-academic year? 2nd Term? 3rd Term? Middle of Term?

Yes, they may. Your child will have to do a placement test. Please bring along school leaving certificates, results, and any relevant documents so that we can assist your child should they need attention in any specific areas to catch up on.


Can you process visas?

Yes, we have our visa agent who will assist you every step of the way. You may contact Mr. Siva at +60 16-557 9364.


Do you accept special needs children?

We do not have specialized teachers to cater to this, but we are able to cater for children with mild Special Education Needs (SEN). During the application, it is important that parents inform the School of the child’s special needs. It would be best if you meet the principal together with your child.


Do you do e-learning?

During the lockdown, we conducted all classes online through video calls, and assignments were posted on Google Classroom. In fact, our small student-to-teacher ratio makes online learning more effective. However, our classes are physical. If your child is unwell or cannot attend physically in the short term, they may attend the physical classes virtually.


Are students allowed to have cell phones?

Students need to deposit their phones before they go into class and collect them when school is over.


Do you incorporate technology in to teaching?

Yes, we do where relevant.


What is the school fees like?

We are very competitively priced. However we don’t cram many students in one class. We have an average of 12 students in a class. When we have more students, we have enough classes ready to accommodate that.


Why is the fees so high?

Considering the class size and personalised attention the fees is considered very reasonable.


Can I get a discount if more than one child enrols in Cranbridge?

We offer sibling discount. For the second child, the discount is 5%, third child 7% and fourth is 10%. If you sign up during this offer, there is a Family Registration Discount. Instead of paying RM5000 each child, you only need to pay RM2000 for one child and the others will be free. For example if you have 2 children then you only pay RM2000 for both – you save RM8000.


Can the fees be paid on monthly basis?

The school collects fees on a termly basis. Credit Card facilities are available.


What extracurricular activities do you offer?

We offer in-house ECA as well as external ECA through our partners. Taekwondo, Basketball, Badminton, K-pop, Community outreach, Financial Literacy, Public Speaking, French, Tamil and Robotics and Coding are offered at school once a week, 3pm to 4pm. External ECAs are Swimming by Dory Swim Academy, Music Classes by Peekaboo Music and Sim Racing by Axel Sport.


Do you offer Mandarin Classes?

Yes we do! It is part of the curriculum up to Lower Secondary Level.


Do you teach / offer any other language classes like French, Spanish, etc ?

We have French and Tamil. German, Spanish, Hindi will be introduced with enough numbers.


Do you offer Islamic Studies?

Yes. It is held before the usual school time.


Are the meals Halal?

Yes they are. We do not serve pork or beef.


Do you have vegetarian meal option?

Yes we do.


Is school meals compulsory?

It is recommended. Most of our students have the meals provided by the school. Our catering partner is Salad Atelier that is known for providing wholesome food with no preservatives. The menu is a mix of western and Asian cuisines and not spicy.


Do you provide Transport?

We can help arrange transport but we will not negotiate prices on behalf. A rough estimation for prices are as follows:

Distance From the School Zone
Within 15 KM A - RM450
15.1KM - 20KM B - RM600
20.1KM - 25KM C - RM750
> 25KM D - RM850

What are the teachers’ qualification?

The teachers have teaching qualification suited for the subject and level they are assigned to and have the relevant experience needed to deliver the subjects they teach effectively. Some of the teachers have Phd and Masters qualifications, some early learning and Montessori and so on.


Is the teacher turnover rate high?

The teacher turnover rate is very low. They are dedicated and passionate educators and they enjoy teaching in our positive and conducive learning environment. With this low turnover rate, students are able to build lasting relationships with their teachers. Further more our healthy school hours and small student to teacher ratio provides a good work environment for the teachers as well.


Are you looking for teachers?

We constantly are on the look out for teachers who resonate with our vision, mission and belief. Please send your CV to


Are there boarding facilities?

No, we do not have boarding facilities.


Do you have teaching assistants in each class?

We do have a teaching assistant in the Pre-School class and Year 1. We do not need in other levels as our student to teacher ratio is small, the teachers are able to handle the classes by themselves.


How do teachers handle the different abilities of students in their class?

At Cranbridge, we practice Subject Teaching, where one teacher will teach a specific subject to the student till a certain level for example Maths from Year 1 to Year 3 as opposed to a Class Teacher teaching all the subjects. This way the teacher understands the child's strengths, challenges and interests, hence is able to personalize the aims and objectives for each child.


What are the fees for Pre-school, Primary School, Secondary School, Pre-Univeristy?

Refer to Fee Structure


How does the school extend learning beyond the classroom ?

Every term the school organises character building activities ensuring that apart from the school curriculum, knowledge is gained from a variety of experiences. Our students have visited and conducted activities at a Special Needs School, Orphanage, Refugee Children's School and Old Folks Home. They have also challenged their mental strength at Outdoor Camps and braved Indoor Obstacle courses. They gained knowledge at the Science Centre, Attended First Respondent Medical Course and Visited the National Bank. These are just some of the notable activities that the school organised to ensure that students get to understand the wider world.


How are STEM /STEAM integrated within the curriculum?

We put emphasis on STEM in the Upper Secondary Level. Whilst Art is also given importance in the Reception, Primary and Lower Secondary Level. The elements of STEM are also incorporated into their learning through fun, hands-on projects. They are involved in research and design assignments that can foster problem solving and creative thinking skills.


How do you communicate student progress to parents?

For daily communication on homework, we use a homework log. Every term parents and students will meet with the teachers during parent-teachers there. Parents are also contacted via Whatsapp, Phone-Call, sent circulars and Face to face meeting from time to time if necessary.


Do you have after school care / daycare?

Yes we do. Refer to Day care rates.


Do you have a swimming pool / swimming lessons?

We offer it as an external ECA. Classes are conducted at Dory Swim Academy located in Taman Midah - less than 15 minutes away from the school. Your child can learn to swim in a secure comfortable environment in heated pools with coaches who hold certifications from the Malaysia Swimming Teacher Association (MSTA) and Life Saving Society Malaysia (LSSM). There is even a cosy airconditioned parent lounge for you to wait while your child is having their swimming lessons.


Do you have music classes?

We offer music as an external ECA. Classes are conducted by Peekaboo Music at their centre in Taman Desa, just 10 minutes away from the school. Cranbridge students are offered an exclusive registration waiver.


Is the school prepared for another lockdown?

Yes. We are aware that with the pandemic we have to be flexible with our teaching delivery. We will conduct live classes online as well as use Google Classrooms.


How were classes conducted during the RMCO?

We strictly follow MOH guidelines as follows:

  • All parents are requested to adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Ensure that your child wears a clean face mask every day.
    2. If your child is having a fever, cough, or cold, please do not send them to school.
  • The school follows all SOPs strictly as below:
    1. The checking students, teachers, and all staff temperature upon arrival and when leaving. We send back anyone with a fever in the morning, if someone has a fever during dismissal we alert parents of their classmates to check on their children.
    2. Students and staff are required to do a self-test twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday.
    3. Sanitization of hands upon arrival and in between.
    4. Encourage/remind students to practice good hygiene.
    5. Constantly disinfect surfaces.

Do students still need to wear mask?

We follow the latest MOE/MOH guidelines. The current guidelines state that in class students wear mask but do not need to social distance. Teachers are allowed to teach without the mask on. During PE/ activities/ performance/ lunch as well as spaced out open areas, students need not wear mask.


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